Kinjo et al. "PDBj Mine: design and implementation of relational database interface for Protein Data Bank Japan" が Database に掲載 (2010/8/27)
Nagao et al. "Relationships between functional subclasses and information contained in active-site and ligand-binding residues in diverse superfamilies" が Proteins に掲載 (2010/8/16)
Patil et al. "Domain distribution and intrinsic disorder in hubs in the human protein-protein interaction network" が Protein Scienceに掲載(2010/8/2)
高田彰二「郷モデルの35年」が『生物物理』に掲載 (2010/7/27)
Yoichi Murakami and Kenji Mizuguchi "Applying the Naïve Bayes classifier with kernel density estimation to the prediction of protein–protein interaction sites" が Bioinformatics に掲載 (2010/7/18)
Kazutaka Katoh and Hiroyuki Toh "Parallelization of the MAFFT multiple sequence alignment program" が Bioinformatics に掲載 (2010/7/8)
Kinjo and Nakamura "Geometric similarities of protein-protein interfaces at atomic resolution are only observed within homologous families: An exhaustive structural classification study" が J. Mol. Biol に掲載 (2010/6/6)
Koga, Kameda Okazaki and Takada "Paddling mechanism for the substrate translocation by AAA+ motor revealed by multiscale molecular simulations"がPNASに掲載
Obayashi and Kinoshita "Rank of Correlation Coefficient as a Comparable Measure for Biological Significance of Gene Coexpression"がDNA Reserachに掲載
Kinoshita and Obayashi "Multi-dimensional correlations for gene coexpression and application to the large-scale data of Arabidopsis"がBioinformaticsに掲載
Yura et al "RESOPS: A database for analyzing the correspondence of RNA editing sites to protein three-dimensional structures"がPlant & Cell Physiologyに掲載
由良敬、郷通子 ”陸上植物オルガネラのRNA編集の役割”が生物物理に掲載(2009/10/03)
Yura and Hayward "The interwinding nature of protein-protein interfaces and its implication for protein complex formation"がBIOINFORMATICSに掲載(2009/10/02)
Kinjo "Profile conditional random fields for modeling protein families with structural information" が BIOPHYSICS に掲載 (2009/5/30)
本田真也 ”タンパク質のミニマルデザイン:スーパーシニョリンの構造とゆらぎ”が生物物理に掲載 (2009/5/25)
Watanabe et al "Optimizing pH Response of Affinity between Protein G and IgG Fc:How electrostatic modulations affect protein-protein interactions"がJBCに掲載 (2009/5/1)
Fukuchi et al."Development of an accurate classification system of proteins into structured and unstructured regions that uncovers novel structural domains: its application to human transcription factors" が BMC Structural Biologyに掲載 (2009/4/30)
Mayanagi et al. "Mechanism of replication machinery assembly as revealed by the DNA ligase-PCNA-DNA complex architecture" が PNAS に掲載(2009/03/25)
Kinjo and Nakamura "Comprehensive structural classification of ligand binding motifs in proteins" が Structure に掲載 (2009/02/11)
Honda et al "Crystal Structure of a Ten-Amino Acid Protein"がJACSに掲載(2008/10/24)